Not all of us have transfered over to the Mac side, especially those gamers that are loyal to their PC games. Here are the top 10 PC games of 2012 that are sure to give you a ride for your money. (You might want to invest in a new graphics card to prepare for these bad boys!)
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1. Alan Wake
Not before time, Remedy's third-person action-adventure, studded with plot-twists, surreal episodes and a heavy dose of horror is endowed with an agreeably intelligent storyline that would grace a best-selling psychological thriller. Thanks to Nordic Games, which picked up the PC game's publishing rights, its stunning Pacific Northwest landscapes will be lusher than ever, with the graphics cranked up to the max now that it has been unleashed on PC freed from the constraints of the consoles. This game oozes quality.
2. Aliens: Colonial Marines
This one is a real labour of love, fuelled by Gearbox's eternal love for James Cameron's film and promising - with plenty of justification - the most authentic Aliens experience ever. With jaw-dropping graphics, meticulously modelled xenomorphs and storylines that fill in many of the film's narrative gaps, Aliens: Colonial Marines the PC version positively drips with malevolent atmosphere. Unless you're a diagnosed psychopath, it will give you nightmares. And you shouldn't be annoyed that it has been delayed until later in the year - that's merely a manifestation of Gearbox's extreme perfectionism.
3. Arma 3
Bohemia Interactive's fierce open-world military sim represents the nearest you can get to experience modern warfare without running the risk of getting a fist-sized hole blown in your head. A graphical illustration of the franchise's realism occurred in 2011, when ITN got in trouble after running footage of Arma 2 in a news report, presented as the real thing. Still, that's the power of the PC for you, wouldn't get that from a console version would you? Arma 3 is set in 2030, on a meticulous mapped and modelled rendition of the Greek island Limnos. You get to play as an SAS man, too, which is always good. Meat and drink for the most fanatical military nuts among us - and far too hardcore for those wussy console gamers. This promises to be outstanding on PC soldier.
4. BioShock Infinite
This should reaffirm the faith of those who found BioShock 2 disappointing. For a start, it marks the return of BioShock creator and guru Ken Levine and it looks like nothing you've ever seen, especially on PC. The game world is a city called Columbia which floats in the air, suspended from dirigibles, with a spaghetti junction of rails, onto which you can hook, providing a means of traversing it. It's set in 1912, so it's Steampunk central. And you play Booker DeWitt, a private eye who teams up with Elizabeth, a teenager with psychokinetic time-warping powers who has managed to escape the clutches of a giant robotic bird called Songbird. Everyday sort of stuff, then. With a fat-cats versus workers storyline that will resonate with the Occupy brigade and insane, plasmid-injected gameplay, BioShock Infinite is a shoe-in must-buy for PC
5. Borderlands 2
It's going to be a busy year for Gearbox - so much so that there's a question-mark over whether the second installment of its much-loved, open world, fps-meets-RPG franchise will make the shops before the end of the year. Frankly, we want it now and especially the PC incarntion. The original was fantastically addictive, and Borderlands 2 adds new character classes such as the Gunzerker, for whom dual-wielding rocket-launchers is a breeze. With drop-in-drop-out co-op, a complete lack of linearity, a procedural weapon-generation system, comic book-style graphics and a completely over-the-top game world to romp around, what's not to like?
6. Brothers In Arms: Furious 4
And here's Gearbox again, wreaking something of a franchise reboot on what was previously a set of meticulously authentic - and beautifully crafted - World War II shooters. There's nothing authentic about Furious 4, though, and it's all the better for that. This fps is all about four-player co-op, as a squad of four completely OTT characters hunt down the Fuhrer himself, having to negotiate fearsome (and fictional) experimental Nazi weapons in the process. Not, perhaps, the year's most sophisticated game. But who doesn't fancy kicking Hitler's butt one more time?
7. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
OK, it hasn't been announced yet. And it might not be called Black Ops 2 (rumours currently in circulation favour Iron Wolf, although that could just be a codename). But if a year elapsed without Activision releasing a Call of Duty game, surely that would signal the start of the Rapture? And this year, it's Treyarch's turn to have a crack at the all-conquering first-person shooter, hence the likelihood that it will carry on where Black Ops, by far Treyarch's best ever game, left off. Right now, that's all we can tell you, although it will surely hog the headlines at E3 in June. And of course you'll be wanting to buy it and buy it on it PC, won't you?
8. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Nothing gets the juices of competitive, hardcore, team-based first-person shooter enthusiasts more than a new game from Valve, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive should more than make up for the continued non-appearance of Half-Life 2 Episode 3. At last, thanks to Global Offensive, those famous clans will be able to take each other on in something that actually looks like it was made in the 21st century. Hidden Path is sharing the development duties with Valve, and since it's already in beta, we might not have to wait too long before it comes out. The CS legend all started on PC and that's where it's going to be best again. You know where to go if you want to make a name for yourself as a pro gamer.
9. Darksiders 2
The second instalment of THQ's apocalyptic hack-n-slash casts you as Death this time around (in the first game, of course, you played War). So get ready to wield that scythe. While Darksiders 2will take place in the same time-period as its predecessor, its game-world will be way bigger.
10. Diablo III
"Mythical" is the word that springs to mind when we think of Blizzard's elevated-view, fantasy-horror RPG. The all-conquering World of Warcraft developer first announced it was working on the third instalment of the game in 2008, and it's now 12 years since Diablo II came out. But Blizzard, of course, is a law unto itself, and deserves props for refusing to put Diablo III out until it's absolutely spot-on. When it does arrive, however, you simply won't be allowed to call yourself a proper RPG fan until you've bought a copy - you know we're right. They may tease us with talk of 360 version occasionally but Diablo 3 is PC game heartland territory.
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